#STOP! To Live Each Day as if it were Your Last
Jim Collins, author of the business classic Good to Great, talks about the 20-10 assignment: “Suppose you woke up tomorrow and received...

#STOP! Learn Methods of Joy
Higher personal performance means that we perform our chosen endeavors with a greater degree of skill, talent, knowledge, or acumen. For...

#STOP! Being Unconscious
"Control of consciousness determines the quality of life." ―Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience Close...

#STOP! Overloading Your Schedule to Create Margin for Deep Work
It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about? —Henry David Thoreau Are you so busy that you...

#STOP! the Noise to Find Harmony and Wellbeing
Wellbeing is defined as the state of being happy, healthy, or successful. My friend Gene Harker, MD, PhD, defines well-being as a state...

#STOP! to Take a Nap Everyday - 3 reasons why
I love naps! As often as I can I take a fifteen- to thirty-minute nap after lunch. By the way, when did Americans stop taking naps? My...

#STOP! There are 4 Characteristics of a Healthy Lifestyle
Even when faced with death, most people didn’t STOP stressing their bodies and minds. If you’re stressed out, your life may depend on how...

#STOP! to Learn what Rats can Teach us Habits
Researchers at MIT attached brain scanners to rats and placed them in mazes to find the exit. They learned that a great deal of activity...

#STOP! the Harmful Effects of Acute Stress
We all deal with stressors on a daily basis. Any time we encounter something that disturbs us either mentally or physically, stress...

#STOP! Thinking fast to do a behavior tune-up
We make hundreds of decisions every day. These decisions vary from the mundane to the complex such as: Should I have a fruit shake for...